Mahindra Emirates Vehicle Armouring
Armoured Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Armoured Toyota Land Cruiser Gallery

B6, B7 and VR7 Armoured Toyota Land Cruiser Live Fire Test Video

Mahindra Emirates Vehicle Armouring pays attention to research and development in improving our certified Product, Toyota Land Cruiser. In 2012, MEVA undertook to certify our Toyota Land Cruiser as well as completing VPAM VR7 BRV 2009 and VPAM VR7 ERV 2010, MEVA also completed the latest blast and ballistic test British Standard Institute PAS 300 and VSAG VS12. The test was performed by Internationally recognized experts from QinetiQ UK. Dr Mark French, the leading scientist commented that the MEVA Toyota Land Cruiser was the best Up Armoured vehicle tested ever.

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